субота, 10 травня 2014 р.

new superhit about Putin

We are listenin for this hit a whole day long. Its like "Bandera is our father. Putin's kacap ass is fucked with a banana"

середа, 7 травня 2014 р.

forever young

Yesterday one of my friends told that Putin has a twin or double.
Let me tell you about a face of my boss.

The before

To kick things off, I found this old pic of a teenage Putin… man, that facial expression started young.

and later:
Of course, being a politician is the number one cause of aging (so much stress; so bad for skin). As the years passed, his face started to look like this au naturel:
This next pic is from 2007. Note the hollow cheeks, sagging skin and sunken under-eye area. (All perfectly normal BTW; the guy was 54 years old here.)
I’m also giving you a side profile view, so you can compare it with what happens a few years later.

The after

The first sign that something was awry was this photo of Vlad with a big bruise and swelling under his eye. Plastic surgery gone wrong? Or is he recovering from blepharoplasty?

Suddenly (and get ready for this), he was spotted with the most inflated cheeks I have EVER seen:
Dude. These even beat out Megan Fox’s cheek fillers, which I thought were completely whacko. Not only did he use a crazy, unnecessary amount of filler, but it’s also sitting in this big horizontal mass. There’s a distinct and obvious drop-off in plumpness under the eyes. Is it because they’re actual cheek implants and not hyaluronic acid (which dissolves over time)? Either way, you’d think the president of Russia could afford a better doc.
Here’s another freakish shot:

I find his new “look” the most creepy when he does that half smile. Doesn’t he look like a little Buddha?
In this shot, his face isn’t quite as puffy, but there is still weirdness:
Now we’ll look at another front view, with a more serious expression. Notice how his face looks all frozen?
And his lip is doing something very strange. I think he’s had Botox around his mouth and most certainly around the eyes/brows and forehead. (Telltale Botox sign: “Spocking,” i.e. that one arching eyebrow.) As for the lower half of his face, it could also be a surgical procedure (a neck tuck?), as his skin used to be much droopier around the mouth.
The side profile is so dramatic that it can’t be injections alone:
Now I think it’s time to share this photo gem:
Methinks somebody uses the same shoe lifts as Tom Cruise. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

The bottom line

Could it BE any more obvious? Vlad’s been doing some major tinkering with his face. Guy just divorced his wife of 30 years, too, so it all makes sense. Plastic surgeon David Hidalgo, who was interviewed by Vanity Fair, doesn’t doubt the injectable fillers and Botox, but isn’t sure about plastic surgery:
“I have not seen any good plastic surgery come out of Russia. A lot of girls come over here with horrendous things we have to straighten out. [Also,] Putin doesn’t strike me as the type of guy who’s gonna let somebody put him to sleep.”
Well, that explains the bad filler work. Pro tip: Don’t have anything done in Russia.
In the Daily Mail, top doc Michael Prager observed:
“He has perhaps had a little bit too much work to the eyes because he has what we call ‘fish eyes’ or ‘dead eyes’.”
They’re even speculating he’s had a full face lift. Not sure about that! Personally, I’ve got no problem with boss doing minor enhancements… it’s just gone much, much too far. In general, I think men need to be VERY cautious with fillers and Botox, as they can give a weird, feminine look (in women, it’s the opposite). I do think the neck lift, or whatever it was, really improved his profile.
But that's only an opinion of sock.

breaking news Ukraine

I've bored to death. He's changing his mozgi every few minutes.
Obama called and said he gonna block Putin's American Express and something about Firtash. Boss cried for a while and then went for a meeting with Didier.
"We ask the representatives of the south- east of Ukraine, federalization supporters to move referendum scheduled for May 11 this year  " , said my boss after talks with OSCE Chairman Didier Burkhalter . 
Boss appealed to the representatives of the southeast of Ukraine to take this step " in order to create the necessary conditions for a dialogue " with the authorities in Kiev.While we were sitting there Vova also said that organized presidential elections are the move in the right direction. And I've heard the conversation about taking army back from the border of Ukraine.

the leech and Bendera

Today we're gonna stay at home.
You ask me why the boss walks in only one sock? History of ancient is a great mystery.
When Putin was 3 years old - parents found him flat-footed. That time they stayed in the village of Bendera in Moldova.
Little Vova had to run barefoot on stones. Seven years he walked basym. It highered his pain threshold. Once he grabbed up the leech. It was his first seksualnyy experience.
The leech clung so painful and hard, that old witch bequeathed: it can be sucked off only by four-time champion in rhythmic gymnastics. For the little boy that dream was unattainable. He was disappointed in life...in doctors, women, friendship, nature. Nothing amused little Vova.
So he went to the KGB (the legend says that all were impotents as Vovchik there).
Since then, the boss walks alone in the sock on only right foot.
Since then, Putin does not like Bendera and all connected.


this is precisely Alina - one whom Putin turns  as he wishes. Sometimes it seems that she is not human

me and Agapij

Readers of this blog
Let’s get acquainted!
I am an ordinary sock. Serving the unordinary owner.
My usual day starts just like each of you. I wake up in the morning, work all day and sometimes at night.
You probably thought that the socks do not live?
Live! And how! In the words of Michael Izopov Volfovich (my kriynyk): “Life-unmatched socks. It happens with dyramy, is dirty. Like socks because they like flowers.”
Can an alcoholic old exaggerating, but so it is.
Let me tell you about my family.I had a twin brother. We were nerazleyvoda. Always together, always close by. We went on one machine. His name was Agapij. Why was that?Once Vladimir - my boss came home drunk. That he likes to drink. Sometimes zahulyaye and shouts that he Tutankhamun . But this question. So … he pitched us with Agape in different angles. And Alina - wife of chief , he sat down at night. Right at Agapij. Behold, the cry was. Immediately ran Egor - Head of the FSB and took Agape.Since then I have not seen. Many shto could happen to him. The laws we have in atrocious. Just because you are a sock - you can be prisoned for 7 years. Not to mention at that, if you sock that is not in right place.I knew Sergius. Once it took Egor , went the rumors that he was sent to a museum of Putin. This is being built in Sochi.
We socks, sometimes get vmeste to wash his beloved pour dirt. But not anymore. I love Vladimir Vladimirovich. He’s my boss, the owner, and only friend.
When Agapij gone, I grieved. They say time heals wounds. Now I have one.
Me and Putin - the two of us.
It was not necessary to write, but the boss always takes me with him. Everywhere and always.
Egor (same FSB chief) does not know English, so I’m not afraid of him.
I will write about everything I think and see. For me there is no communication. Chef seems crazy. I need to outpour my emotions.